Innsbruck to Garmisch

Low cost Taxi transfer from Innsbruck to Garmisch

airport transfer

train station transfer

large taxi

Taxi rank at Innsbruck Airport

Taxi company information

Answer questions


The detailed information for the expected journey time and for calculating the taxi costs for your forthcoming taxi journey from Innsbruck to Garmisch can be found in the taxi tariff price table.

Fastest route


Call a taxi

Book your taxi from Innsbruck to Garmisch for the desired date.

Fixed Taxiprice

Book a taxi from Innsbruck to Garmisch at a fixed price from €103.50. Transfer service from the airport, main station or any starting point!

Taxi rates from Innsbruck to Garmisch

Of After distance price
innsbruck Garmisch 63,4 km 103.50 euros
innsbruck Eibsee near Garmisch 65 km 113.50 euros
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Answer questions

  • How much does a taxi from Innsbruck to Garmisch cost?

    The taxi tariff from Innsbruck to your desired destination in Garmisch is set as a fixed price depending on the distance. You can find the cost of your taxi ride in the taxi tariff price table.

  • How far is it from Innsbruck to Garmisch?

    The distance between Innsbruck and Garmisch is 63.4 km.

  • How long does it take to get from Innsbruck to Garmisch?

    The journey time by taxi from Innsbruck to Garmisch is approx. (1 hour 00 minutes) in optimal traffic conditions.

  • Will there be additional surcharges for my taxi ride?

    No, there are no basic fees or extra costs for you.

  • Is it a private transfer?

    Yes, the taxi is reserved exclusively for you and your companion.

  • What should I do if my flight or train is delayed?

    Please inform us in good time if your flight or train is delayed.

  • What payment methods do you accept?

    In addition to cash payment in (EUR), we accept all major EC and credit cards.


Contact us

Contact us anytime!

taxi company

Hassan El Shafie |

Andechsstrasse 31

6020 Innsbruck

+43 681 81 26 19 05

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